
美國管理科技大學 ‧ 院校簡介

美國管理科技大學 (簡稱 UMT) 是美國維吉尼亞州高等教育委員會(State Council of Higher Education of Virginia, SCHEV) 正式授權進行高等教育的正規高等學府。大學校舍位於美國首都華盛頓地區,坐落在繁華的羅斯林商業區,畔臨著美麗闊靜的波多馬克河,與古老悠久的喬治城隔河相望。而UMT所提供的工商管理學士、碩士及博士課程均獲香港本地認可及多個國際認證。


Edu Bureau

Doctor of Business Administration DBA Program

  • Registration no. 261996

Master of Business Administration MBA Program 

  • Registration no. 261825

Bachelor of Business Administration BBA Program

  • Registration no. 261639

The courses offered by University of Management and Technology are registered under Hong Kong Education Bureau (EDB). 香港教育局非本地課程註冊


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科目安排讓學生循序漸進地學習理論及實踐知識,每個科目均強調國際化的視野和應用。因此科目的順序是從基礎科目到綜合性和高級科目漸次進行 。修讀某些科目之前,學生需要先修完並通過首五個科目。例如,會計管理 (ACCT) 、財務管理 (FIN) 、企業學(ENT) 和競爭策略(BS) 均是較高級的科目。


Number of Modules Required: 10 modules

  • Mgt 100 Introduction to Business
  • Mgt 101 Principles of Management
  • Mkt 100 Principles of Marketing
  • Mgt 102 Legal Environment of Business
  • Econ 125 Economics of Managers
  • Acct 125 Accounting for Managers
  • Stat 125 Business Statistics
  • Fin 100 Principles of Finance
  • Mgt 190 Entrepreneurship
  • Mgt 195 Business Policy


Learning & Teaching

  • Full Local Academic Support: Tutorial offered by qualified local university tutors.
  • Flexible Learning Mode: Web-based Learning platform .
  • Full Learning Support:
    Instructional materials will be provided to facilitate students』 learning.
    Free access to UMT’s on-line platform and library.

Mode of study: Part time, Tutorial / Distance Learning

Duration: 1-2 Years


2016 UMT BBA Graduation Ceremony

UMT Graduation ceremony photo

2017 UMT BBA Graduation Ceremony

UMT Graduation ceremony 2017_gp1h


Entry Requirements

  • Holder of Associate degree/diploma with the minimum GPA of 2.5 from a recognized university or professional association.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in English or other equivalent qualifications to be assessed by UMT.

Interest Free Instalment Plan for Tuition

Tuition can be settled by HSBC and Bank of East Asia 12 months interest free instalment plan.



  • 副學士或文憑副本或
  • 其他大專學歷副本







Number of Modules Required:

  • Mgt 201. Effective Communications and Soft Skills
  • Mgt 210. Quantitative Methods for Decision-making
  • Mgt 215. Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Mgt 220. Information Technology
  • Mgt 230. Leadership and Organizations
  • Mgt 240. Marketing and Sales
  • Mgt 245. Technological Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Mgt 250. Project Management
  • Mgt 251-HK.  Planning and Control
  • Mgt 254. Contracts and Procurement
  • Mgt 285. Economics
  • Mgt 299. Business Policy


Learning & Teaching

  • Full Local Academic Support: Tutorial offered by qualified local university tutors.
  • Flexible Learning Mode: Web-based Learning platform.
  • Full Learning Support:
    Instructional materials will be provided to facilitate students』 learning.
    Free access to UMT’s on-line platform and library.

Mode of study: Part time, Tutorial / Distance Learning

Duration: 1.5 – 2 Years


2016 UMT MBA Graduation Ceremony

UMT 2016 Master stu grad. photo

2017 UMT MBA Graduation Ceremony

UMT Graduation ceremony (master students)


Entry Requirements

  • Holder of Bachelor with the minimum GPA of 2.5 from a recognized university or professional association.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in English
  • Other equivalent qualifications to be assessed by UMT

  Exemptions of Study
  3 Subjects waiver mode:
Could be granted for graduate with a Bachelor degree related to Business and Management.


Interest Free Instalment Plan for Tuition

Tuition can be settled by HSBC and Bank of East Asia 12 months interest free instalment plan.


如欲申請入讀工商管理碩士學位課程,請致電6580 2368與我們的教育顧問聯絡,並準備以下相關資料:

  • 工商管理學士學位證書副本或
  • 其他認可大學學士學歷副本